Who We Are

R&E Search for Evidence is the blog where FHI 360 staff write about new evidence and approaches for research and evaluation for human development. Posts discuss innovative methodologies, offer critical reviews of journal articles and analyze recent findings.

Better research and evaluation outcomes can improve lives in lasting ways. R&E Search for Evidence provides a public forum dedicated to promoting a culture of generating and using evidence to make those improvements a reality. Cultivating more in-depth conversations about research and evaluation improves the dialogue among policymakers, researchers, evaluators and program designers. This, in turn, facilitates improved program design, more informed results and more evidence-based policy recommendations.

Blog posts on R&E Search for Evidence represent the views and analysis of the author(s) and do not represent the positions or opinions of FHI 360. The posts cover the following expertise areas: health; education; nutrition; environment and climate change; economic development; civil society; gender, equity, safeguarding, and social inclusion; youth, research; technology; crisis response; and communication and social marketing.

Annette N. Brown


Annette N. Brown is the editorial leader of R&E Search for Evidence. She is Chief Strategy and Evidence Officer at FHI 360. She leads the development of FHI 360’s global strategy and guides implementation of that strategy to address global challenges.

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Dorgham Abusalim

Senior Communications Specialist, Managing Editor of R&E Search for Evidence

Dorgham Abusalim is Senior Communications Specialist at FHI 360 and acts as Managing Editor of R&E Search for Evidence blog.

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Amna Akmal - 1 post

Christopher Akolo - 2 posts

Zach Andersson - 1 post

Lauren Bader - 1 post

Jessica Baker - 1 post

Krishma Bashyal - 3 posts

Moses Bateganya - 1 post

Gregory Beck - 1 post

Bruno Bouchet - 1 post

Kristin Brady - 1 post

Isaiah Braxton - 2 posts

Aurélie Brunie - 1 post

Holly Burke - 1 post

Allison Burns - 2 posts

Rebecca Callahan - 1 post

Yvonne Cao - 2 posts

Celeste Carano - 1 post

Pamela Carter - 1 post

Otto Chabikuli - 1 post

Mario Chen - 2 posts

Srean Chhim - 1 post

Stephanie Chung - 1 post

Kyle Clahane - 1 post

Betsy Costenbader - 3 posts

Sean Cremin - 1 post

Yuki Cui - 1 post

Robyn Dayton - 1 post

Jen Deese - 1 post

Amy Detgen - 2 posts

Brian Dooley - 1 post

Matthew Eady - 1 post

Margaret Eichleay - 2 posts

Ebuwa Evbuoma - 2 posts

Emily Evens - 2 posts

Michael Ferguson - 2 posts

Felix Fernandez - 10 posts

Merle Froschl - 4 posts

Charlie Gale - 2 posts

Kirsten Galisson - 2 posts

Morgan Garcia - 1 post

Sarah Gates - 1 post

Berhane Gebru - 1 post

Masego Gilbert - 1 post

Greg Guest - 3 posts

Caroline Harik - 3 posts

Rachel Hatch - 3 posts

Theresa Hoke - 1 post

Rick Homan - 2 posts

Emily Hoppes - 4 posts

David Jenkins - 1 post

Taufique Joarder - 1 post

Emily Keyes - 2 posts

Hadiza Khamofu - 1 post

Kirsten Krueger - 2 posts

Sarah Kwasu - 1 post

Michele Lanham - 1 post

Anna Lawton - 1 post

Thomas Lehman

Anja Lendvay - 1 post

Rachel Lenzi - 1 post

Tiffany Lillie - 1 post

Lara Lorenzetti - 8 posts

Nathalie Louge - 1 post

Stephen Luke - 1 post

Ava Lundell - 1 post

Amelia Mackenzie - 3 posts

Kate MacQueen - 2 posts

Robert Makombe - 1 post

Ian Manzi - 1 post

Timothy Mastro - 10 posts

Mike Merrigan - 1 post

Rindala Mikhael - 1 post

Tara Miller - 1 post

Raphael Miller - 2 posts

Ishak Mohammed - 3 posts

Ebelechukwu Monye - 3 posts

Carolyn Moore - 2 posts

Wael Moussa - 3 posts

Sarah Muthler - 2 posts

Judith Nalukwago - 3 posts

Emily Namey - 9 posts

Tom Newton-Lewis - 1 post

Kharisma Nugroho - 1 post

Amy O'Regan - 1 post

Michael OBrien - 1 post

Halima Oji - 1 post

Eunice Okumu - 1 post

Edward Oladele - 2 posts

Patrick Olsen - 1 post

Carina Omoeva - 4 posts

Melissa Otero - 1 post

Catherine Packer - 1 post

Aarin Palomares - 7 posts

Caleb Parker - 1 post

Ezlie Perez - 1 post

Jill Peterson - 1 post

Tricia Petruney - 1 post

Kate Plourde - 2 posts

Morgan Rees - 3 posts

Rachel Renbarger - 4 posts

Chndy Rogel - 1 post

Julia Rosenbaum - 1 post

Diana Rutherford - 2 posts

Tina Sanghvi - 1 post

Joseph Sany - 1 post

Hind Satti - 1 post

Kathleen Shears

Jacqueline Shieh - 5 posts

Manisha Shrestha - 1 post

Abrahim Simmonds - 1 post

Hannah Skelly - 2 posts

Anne Smiley - 4 posts

Tanya Smith-Sreen - 2 posts

Fernanda Soares - 5 posts

Tim Spesia - 1 post

Kayla Stankevitz - 3 posts

Maryann Stimmer - 4 posts

Jane Sullivan - 1 post

Inthira Suya - 1 post

Mandy Swann - 4 posts

Lisa Tensuan

Catherine Todd - 1 post

Betsy Tolley - 1 post

Morgan Toth - 1 post

Shelly Trim - 1 post

Eleanor Wang - 1 post

Aubrey Weber - 4 posts

Amy Weissman - 2 posts

Corey White - 11 posts

Katherine Whitton - 3 posts

Rose Wilcher - 1 post

Meriam Zegeye - 1 post