Author Profile

Eleanor Wang
Research Associate
Eleanor Wang is a Research Associate in the Department of School and Community Services for US Programs at FHI 360. She conducts research and evaluation in quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and contributes to technical report writing of formative and summative evaluation designs. Wang’s portfolio of work includes education, college and career readiness, disconnected youth, economics, and workforce development.
Previous experience
Prior to joining FHI 360, Wang worked at The World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific Region Office where she provided research and programmatic support on a range of education projects from early childhood education to higher education, skills and the labor market. She also served as a subcontracted program analyst with the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) for a US Department of Education grant program to build statewide longitudinal data systems. She has an MA in International Education Administration and Policy Analysis from Stanford University and a BA in Economics and Psychology from the University of Virginia.
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