Author Profile

Judith Nalukwago
Former Monitoring and Evaluation Manager
Judith Nalukwago is a former Monitoring and Evaluation Manager for FHI 360’s Communication for Healthy Communities program in Uganda where she had a role in monitoring and evaluation, research, and project planning and management. She joined FHI 360 in 2013 and has technical and managerial experience in complex multi-sectoral health and development programs.
Nalukwago’s background in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) includes developing and managing program M&E systems especially plan development, constructing theories of change, creating tracking databases, and quality control. Additionally, she has experience leading evaluative surveys, formative research, and directing operational research using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Nalukwago also has experience in deploying participatory assessment approaches like Action Media methodology, Visualization in Participatory Programming (VIPP), Rapid Participatory Assessments, Most Significant Change approach, and Intervention Mapping.
Nalukwago holds a PhD in Public Health with a focus on health communication, health promotion, gender and adolescent development from Maastricht University, the Netherlands, and a Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation from Uganda Management Institute.
Recent publications
- Nalukwago J, Alaii J, Van den Borne B, Bukuluki PM, Kimbowa M, Bockh E, Coutinho SM, Crutzen R. A process evaluation of the Communication for Healthy Communities adolescent health program in Uganda. Health Education Research, 35(1), 15-31, February 2020. [Available at: https://academic.oup.com/her/article/35/1/15/5640204]
- Nalukwago J, Crutzen R, Van den Borne B, Bukuluki PM, Bufumbo L, Burke HM, Field S, Zikusooka A, Fiedler AA, and Alaii J. Gender norms associated with adolescent sexual behaviors in Uganda. International Social Science Journal, 69(231), 35-38, May 2019. [Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/issj.12203]
- Nalukwago J, Alaii J, Van den Borne B, Bukuluki PM, and Crutzen R. Application of core processes for understanding multiple concurrent sexual partnerships among adolescents in Uganda. Frontiers in Public Health, 6:371, December 2018. [Available at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2018.00371/full]
- Nalukwago J, Crutzen R, Van den Borne B, Bukuluki MP, Bufumbo L, Burke MH, Field S, Zikusooka A, Fiedler AA, and Alaii J. Socio-cognitive factors associated with condom use, multiple sexual partnerships, and contraception use among sexually-active adolescent girls in Uganda. Global Journal of Health Science, 10(8), 41-54, 2018. [Available at: http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/gjhs/article/view/75442/42329]
- Nalukwago J, Crutzen R, Van den Borne B, Bukuluki PM, Bufumbo L, Batamwita R, Zikusooka A, Lenzi R, Thompson G, and Alaii J. (2018). Adolescents discussing sexual behaviors with key influencing audiences. Global Journal of Health Science, 10(8), 91-106, 2018. [Available at: http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/gjhs/article/view/75883]