Author Profile

Holly Burke
Behavioral Scientist
Holly Burke is a Behavioral Scientist in the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH) Division at FHI 360. She joined FHI 360 in 2002 and has more than a decade of experience designing and leading international research studies.
Her expertise is in (1) designing studies that incorporate both quantitative and qualitative research methods to expand understanding of contraceptive and HIV prevention behaviors and (2) evaluating the impact of programs, including health communication campaigns and integrated economic strengthening and health interventions.
Burke has a PhD in Maternal and Child Health and an MPH in Health Behavior and Health Education — both from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Select publications
- Burke, H.M., Moret, W., Field, S., Chen, M., Zeng, Y., and Seka, F.M. Assessing Household Economic Vulnerability in HIV-affected Communities in Five Regions of Côte d’Ivoire. 2016. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0163285. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163285
- Rutherford, D. D., Burke, H. M., Cheung, K. K, and Field, S. H. Impact of an Agricultural Value Chain Project on Smallholder Farmers, Households, and Children in Liberia. World Development; 83, July 2016, pp 70-83.
- Burke, H.M., Fleming, P.J., and Guest, G. Assessment of the psychometric properties of HIV knowledge items across five countries. AIDS Education and Prevention; 26(6) 2014, pp 577-87.
- Burke, H.M. and Ambasa-Shisanya, C. Evaluation of a communication campaign to improve continuation among first-time injectable contraceptive users in Nyando District, Kenya. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health; 40(2) 2014, pp 56-67.
- Burke, H.M., Mueller, M.P., Perry, B., Packer, C., Bufumbo, L., Mbengue, D., Mall, I., Daff, B.M., Mbonye, A.K. Observational study of the acceptability of Sayana® Press among intramuscular DMPA users in Uganda and Senegal. Contraception; 89(5) 2014 May, pp 361-367.
- Shattuck, D., Burke, H., Ramirez, C., Succop, S., Costenbader, E., Attafuah, J.D., Mndeme, E., Mbwambo, J., Guest, G. Using the Inequitable Gender Norms Scale and Associated HIV Risk Behaviors among Men at High Risk for HIV in Ghana and Tanzania. Men and Masculinities; 16(5) 2013, pp 540-559.
- Burke, H., Pedersen, K. and Williamson, N. An assessment of cost, quality, and outcomes for five HIV prevention youth peer education programs in Zambia. Health Education Research; 27(2) 2012, pp 359-369.
Select technical reports and book chapters
- Galloway, T, Lippman, L., Burke, H., Diener, O., and Gates, S. (2017). Measuring Soft Skills in International Youth Development Programs: A Review and Inventory of Tools, Washington, DC: USAID’s YouthPower: Implementation, YouthPower Action.
- Gates, S., Lippman, L., Shadowen, N., Burke, H., Diener, O., and Malkin, M. (2016) Key soft skills for cross-sectoral youth outcomes. Washington, DC: USAID’s Youth Power: Implementation, Youth Power Action.
- Gamst, G., Meyers, L.S., Burke, H.M., Guarino, A.J. “Scale Development and Validation”; Chapter 13. In G. Guest and E.E. Namey (Eds.), Public Health Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.; 2014.
- Geary, C., Burke, H. and Wedderburn. M. “Self-esteem and sexual health interventions for young adolescents: Development and use of a culturally-relevant “self-esteem” measure to evaluate the Vibes program in Jamaica”; pp 173-203. In A.P. Prescott (Ed.), The Concept of Self Medicine and Health Care. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2006.
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