Author Profile

Yvonne Cao
Technical Advisor
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Yvonne Cao is a Technical Advisor in the Research and Evaluation Department of the Global Education, Employment and Engagement Business Unit at FHI 360. She has more than 10 years of progressive experience in research, monitoring and evaluation. As a Technical Advisor, she provides M&E support to projects, including M&E plan development, data collection design and implementation, and overall quality assurance. She currently supports the USAID Partnership for Education Learning Activity (Learning) in Ghana, the USAID/UKAID-funded DRC ACCELERE! project and the USAID/Madagascar Assistance to Basic Education project. She also co-leads several research studies on fidelity of implementation as well accelerated education.
Prior to joining FHI 360, Ms. Cao was a Research Scientist at NORC at the University of Chicago. In that capacity, she managed and supported the design, implementation and analysis of dozens of impact and performance evaluations in education (early grade reading and math), youth development, and agriculture for a wide range of clients including USAID, the MCC/MCA, Save the Children, GIZ and the MasterCard Foundation. She is a French native speaker and holds a B.A. in Psychology and Linguistics from Duke University and a Master’s in International Education Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.