Author Profile

Corey White
Former Managing Editor
Corey White was the Managing Editor of R&E Search for Evidence. As a communications manager at FHI 360, he managed the curation and creation of global health messaging, cultivated and promoted individual thought leadership, shared research methods and findings to promote research uptake, and organized events to increase knowledge sharing and access to new evidence.
Previous experience
Before joining FHI 360, White served as the editorial supervisor and manager of marketing and communications for the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In that role, he led activities responsible for launching and sustaining a public-facing communications department and managed planning coordination of ASLM’s biennial international conference attended by more than 1,200 attendees from 60 countries.
White has previously led communications and programmatic projects across domestic and international initiatives at the American Society for Microbiology, National Governors Association and Louisiana HIV/AIDS Program. He has a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree from Louisiana State University.
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