Author Profile

Amy Detgen
Senior Research Writer
Amy Detgen is a Senior Research Writer for the National Institute for Work and Learning at FHI 360 and specializes in projects and studies concerning underserved populations. She has more than 20 years of experience as a project manager, researcher and program evaluator.
Detgen has conducted qualitative research for many college and career readiness projects including Bridge to Employment, the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education GEAR UP project, and Pathway to Success. She writes summary reports and dissemination materials and contributes to business development. For the Disabilities Studies and Services group, she was the project director for Let’s Participate!, a model demonstration project examining the use of assistive technology with infants, toddlers and young children, and for the Technical Assistance Coordination Center (TACC), both funded by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). She was also the internal evaluator for several OSEP-funded national centers.
Previously, Detgen served as project director for two Institute for Education Sciences Issues and Answers studies: one on the replication of a career academy model, the Georgia Central Educational Center; and one on the status of Response to Intervention policy and practices in the REL-Midwest states. She also served as the deputy project director on an Issues and Answers report: Status of General Education Teacher Preparation to Provide Instruction to Students with Disabilities.
Prior to working at FHI 360, she worked at Westat, serving as task leader for the Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Her prior experience also includes conducting evaluations of state adoption and foster care programs for the Department of Health and Human Services in both Maine and New Hampshire.
She holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of New Hampshire.