Author Profile

Sarah Gates
Former Technical Officer
Sarah Gates was a Technical Officer within the Civil Society and Peacebuilding (CSPB) unit at FHI 360. She provided research and technical support to CSPB’s peacebuilding practice within the Global Education, Employment and Engagement (G3E) department, as well as the youth and learning practice.
In her role, Gates led and contributed to research studies on various topics, including the measurement of youth socio-emotional skills, the intersection of gender with violent extremism and peacebuilding, and youth resilience to violent extremism. She has fieldwork experience in Kenya and Uganda, as well as experience coordinating youth development programs in a youth workforce center and a university-based civic engagement program.
Gates earned a Masters in International Development from the University of Denver, where she researched youth political participation and education in conflict-affected countries. She has a professional working proficiency in Swahili and German.
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