Author Profile

Emily Keyes
Research Associate III
Emily Keyes is a Research Associate III at FHI 360, where she focuses on health services research in the areas of maternal and newborn mortality reduction, health system strengthening, and quality of intrapartum services.
Since 2008, Keyes has acted as Technical Advisor to the Averting Maternal Death and Disability program (AMDD) at Columbia University. She works with national and regional ministries of health, UN partners, and local NGOs to support efforts to improve the availability, access and quality of obstetric and newborn services in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guyana, Tanzania, and Mozambique.
Keyes also currently leads evaluations of the impact of an mHealth intervention to improve intrapartum care in Tanzania and the impact of solar electrification on the quality of health services in Zambia, as well as geographic analyses to improve access to quality intrapartum services in Mozambique. She has expertise in the areas of quantitative analyses, spatial analyses, data collection and management, as well as maternal and newborn health, emergency obstetric and newborn care, and emergency referral systems.
She received her MPH in health policy and administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. Keyes also holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Villanova University.