Author Profile

Wael Moussa
Senior Research Associate
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Wael Moussa is a Senior Research Associate in the Global Education, Employment and Engagement business unit at FHI 360, where he conducts research on a range of issues in education, including education inequality and conflict, the impact of education inequality on the economy, and the effects of school fees on secondary school attendance among girls. He also serves as a technical monitor in support of monitoring and evaluation of FHI 360’s education programming.
Previously, Moussa worked in the U.S. K-12 education space on academic research investigating the causal links between compulsory attendance legislation and high school graduation and the causal effects of the International Baccalaureate Program on academic achievement in the United States. This research has led to peer-reviewed publications at the Economics of Education Review and Education Finance and Policy. While at the American University of Beirut, Moussa served as a researcher under the supervision of Dr. Jad Chaaban (AUB faculty) participating in research projects in partnership with the UNDP and UN-ESCWA on topics of education and labor market for youths.
Moussa is a Lebanese native fluent in both Arabic and French, and a graduate of the American University of Beirut. He holds a PhD in Economics from Syracuse University.