Author Profile

Carol Dukes Hamilton
Former Director, Scientific Affairs
Carol Dukes Hamilton was the Director of Scientific Affairs at FHI 360. She is an infectious diseases physician with more than 30 years of experience in clinical care, research, program management and leadership.
Hamilton was the Principal Investigator for the NIH/NIAID-funded RePORT International Coordinating Center (RICC), and led a technical assistance project supporting development of the China TB Clinical Trials Consortium. She served as clinician and full-time faculty at Duke University Medical Center until 2008 and remains on faculty at Duke as a consulting Professor of Medicine.
Hamilton has 100 peer-reviewed publications, mostly focused on TB, HIV/AIDS, and the intersection between the two diseases. She has led or significantly contributed to numerous clinical trials in TB in the United States and Africa. In 2012, she won the CDC’s Charles C. Shepard Science Award, and the National TB Controllers Association’s Robert Koch Award. In 2014, she won an International TB Control Cooperation Award from the China Clinical Center on Tuberculosis and the National TB Society.
Hamilton has a medical degree from the University of Utah, and internal medicine residency training and infectious diseases sub-specialty training from Duke University.
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